Weight loss can be a constant challenge. You’re always looking for the smallest changes you can make to your current lifestyle in order to have the best results. You’ll be glad to discover that this strategy of small actions really can help you lose weight faster and keep it off!
Whether you’ve been struggling with weight loss or you’re looking for additional ideas that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle to help you maintain a lower weight, these micro improvements can help.
1. Limit Your Fat
Fat is very high in calories. Unless you’ve mastered counting your calories sourced from fat, simply limiting your consumption of fats as best you can will help to reduce your overall daily calorie intake.
2. Get Moving
Find ways to move more throughout your day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a bit further from the door of your office or grocery store. Stand whenever you talk on the phone. These are all ways to burn more calories through NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis). Burning more calories can help you increase fat loss.
3. Eat More Fruit
Fruits are a great source of fiber. Eating more fruit can enable you to manage your weight and lower your net carb count. Do your best to eat more apples, pears, and other fruits with edible skins.
4. Hydration
Hydration is crucial for any fat loss goal. Do your best to consume half your bodyweight in ounces of water daily. Keep in mind, this includes water from food sources, so if you have a diet high in fruit and vegetables, you could lower the amount you drink.
5. Eat Spicy Foods
Spicy foods generally contain capsaicin - a compound that has been shown to increase metabolism and thermic effect of food. Spicy foods can help to increase your fat burning potential, plus they have a great taste!
A CHAMPION has the courage to risk failure, knowing that setbacks are lessons.
A CHAMPION uses each day to gain greater self-knowledge for improvement.
A CHAMPION trains their body and thought processes to achieve desired results.
A CHAMPION understands their weaknesses and trains to strengthen them.
A CHAMPION actively pursues balance, moderation and simplicity to improve their life.
A CHAMPION views every obstacle as an opportunity to improve.
A CHAMPION understands the journey is not linear, and they embrace both the good and the bad.
A CHAMPION finds pleasure in the fact that it isn't always "easy".
A CHAMPION has vision...they believe in the possibility of their loftiest goals.
A CHAMPION lives with the mantra "I CAN AND I WILL!"
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